Frequently Asked Questions


QUESTION: What is a Broker ?

ANSWER: A Broker is company or firm which arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller for a commission when the deal is executed. They exist as the middle party to a transaction. Brokers buy and sell shares on behalf of a shareholder and interact with the Botswana Stock Exchange.

There are currently three Brokers in the market.

QUESTION: I do not know my Broker ?

ANSWER: If you do not know your Broker, please contact CSDB on 367 4400 for confirmation of your Broker


QUESTION: I want to change my banking details. The account that I gave you when I bought shares is now closed. What can I do ?

ANSWER: Kindly contact your Broker or the CSDB to update your banking details. The CSDB can be reached on 367 4400.

If you do not know your Broker, please contact CSDB on 367 4400 for confirmation of your Broker

QUESTION: I do not know my Broker ?

ANSWER: If you do not know your Broker, please contact CSDB on 367 4400 for confirmation of your Broker


QUESTION: Ever since I bought shares, I have never received any statement from BTC, but I have provided you with my postal address and email address ?

ANSWER: Kindly contact your Broker or the CSDB to update your postal address and email address. The CSDB can be reached on 367 4400

If you do not know your Broker, please contact CSDB on 3674400 to ask them who your Broker is and to update your contact details.


QUESTION: The last time I received dividends was a year ago, ever since then until now, I have not received any ?

ANSWER: Kindly share your full names, ID number and contact details with BTC Investor Relations Office we will get back to you with the information. Please email or call 395 8374 to contact the BTC Investor Relations Office.

QUESTION: Are we getting something this time around (end of Financial year 2019/2020 or August payment)

ANSWER: Kindly share your full names, ID number and contact details with BTC Investor Relations Office we will get back to you with the information. Please email or call 395 8374 to contact the BTC Investor Relations Office.

QUESTION: I went to Botswana Post to collect my dividends, they referred me to BTC, saying that my dividends were returned to BTC.

ANSWER: Please note BTC no longer has a contract with Botswana Post (it has lapsed). We are currently in negotiations with a third-party partner for the service and will communicate once this arrangement is finalised. Kindly share your banking details with BTC Investor Relations Office at or call 3958374 and we will arrange for payment of any outstanding amounts.

QUESTION: I have unclaimed dividends at BTC, now they have become outdated, what can I do to claim them ?

ANSWER: Kindly share your full names, ID number, banking details and contact details with BTC Investor Relations Office we will get back to you with the information. Please email or call 395 8374 to contact the BTC Investor Relations Office.


QUESTION: I want to sell my shares. What is the process?

ANSWER: Contact your Broker for assistance, a Broker transacts (buys and sells share) on behalf of a shareholder.

QUESTION: I have shares at BTC, and I want to buy more, is it possible?

ANSWER: It is possible, kindly contact your Broker for assistance, a Broker transacts (buys and sells share) on behalf of a shareholder.

QUESTION I want to buy BTC shares for the first time. What is the process?

ANSWER: Contact your Broker for assistance, a Broker transacts (buys and sells share) on behalf of a shareholder.


QUESTION: I am making a follow up on my shares, how much have I accumulated ever since I bought them.

ANSWER: Kindly contact the CSDB on 367 4400 for your statement of shares.

QUESTION: Is it possible to transfer my shares to another person, if possible how do I go about doing it?

ANSWER: Yes it is possible. Please contact your Broker for assistance to transfer shares to another person.

If you do not know your Broker, please contact CSDB on 3674400 to ask them who  your Broker is.

QUESTION: A family member who has bought shares at BTC has passed away recently, what are the procedures to be followed?

ANSWER: In this instance the shares are to be transferred to a legal beneficiary. Family members should contact the Deceased’s Broker to initiate the process. The appointed Executor/Beneficiary is the only one allowed to transact on the shares, with the necessary supporting documentation.

If you do not know the Broker, please contact CSDB on 367 4400 for confirmation of the Deceased’s Broker.