Rodger M. Solomon
Mr Mcedisi Roger Solomon is a seasoned leader with a wealth of experience and skill in the financial services sector, health management sector, Administration and Management. He believes in a balance of both character and skill. As a qualified teacher and business practitioner, Mr. Solomon holds a Masters in Business Administration from Herriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Diploma in Education from University of Botswana, Masters of Arts in Political Leadership and Government from School Of Government MIT University in Pune India. Mr. Solomon is certified in AML, Corporate Governance, Enterprise Risk Management, Insurance, and leadership development programs.
As a Trade Union leader, Mr Solomon has served in the National Executive of Botswana Teachers Union for six years. He completed a successful term at the helm of the Teacher’s Union as National Treasurer. Mr. Solomon served in different boards and management positions from 2008 to date. He served as a member of the BPOMAS Management Committee, National Economic Diversification Council, Getbucks, More Power Investments, Chartered Insurance Brokers, and Pecuniary Services. He was the founding Managing Director for More Power Investments, Chartered Insurance Brokers, and Percuniary Services. He is currently the Group Managing Director of More Power Investments – a company wholly owned by Botswana Teachers Union.