The Republic of Botswana through the Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology in collaboration with the ICT Sector is scheduled to commemorate the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) on the 17th May 2022. This year the commemorations will be held in Mmathubudukwane village, Police Grounds.

The event is commemorated annually by International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Member States to showcase and help raise awareness of what Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer, the immense opportunities and their life-changing power if harnessed properly and effectively. ITU Member States are encouraged to ensure universal access to ICTs, bridge the digital divide, and empower citizens with digital skills to benefit significantly from new and emerging technologies.

The theme for the 2022 commemoration is; “Digital Technologies for the Older Persons and Healthy Ageing.” The theme challenges Member States to reaffirm their commitment to accelerating digital technologies to bring older persons online, improve access and empower them to make use of digital technologies effectively for their health and well-being.

Furthermore it focuses on combating discrimination, reducing inequalities and promoting healthy lifestyles through the use of smart technologies.

Though older persons are not as technologically savvy like the younger generation, they should be able to use digital technologies to keep in touch with family and friends, get access to medical care and financial services as well as to be up to date with the latest information. This commemoration will therefore be used to share with the elderly, useful information they will need on the proper use of ICTs.

Preceding the WTISD is the Girls in ICT Day scheduled for the 13th May 2022 at Mabalane Community Hall. The event is commemorated annually to create awareness and encourage girls and young women to pursue careers and studies in ICTs. The Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector has over the years been dominated by males globally. Botswana has not been an exception. Although efforts have been made to bridge the gap, inequalities still persist, hence the need to increase and advocate for comprehensive knowledge and resources to equip the Girl child with skills to explore the digital world while fulfilling the goals of the Connect 2030 Agenda, one of which is ‘inclusiveness.’

The commemoration this year will be held under the theme: Access and Safety. The theme emphasises on promoting and advancing resources to address the obstacles of digital access and safe use of online platforms by girls and young women who are often vulnerable to online scams, bullying and shaming. As part of this year’s commemoration of the Girls in ICT Day, secondary school girls from Kgatleng Region were trained on coding, cybersecurity as well as entrepreneurial skills using ICTs.

Download Press Release – WTISD 2022

For more information, please contact:
Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology
Public Relations Office
Phone: + 267 361 2000/2013/2045

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BTC Successfully Hosts Webinar On Data Protection & Cloud services

Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (BTC) hosted the Cloud Talks webinar themed “The Importance of Data Protection in the Digital World”. The webinar was based on storing data on the Cloud and the recently passed Data Protection Act. Speaking on the topic “Data Protection: Botswana”, the Deputy Permanent Secretary – Information Communications Technology (ICT) at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Mr Cecil Masiga stated that data protection is the legislative framework for ensuring the privacy of individuals in relation to how their personal data is maintained transmitted and stored. He explained that “data protection laws regulate the protection of personal data by governmental and non-governmental organizations and that every entity that handles customers’ personal information must familiarize themselves with this piece of legislation as compliance is mandatory”.

Delivering the opening remarks, BTC Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Aldrin Sivako stated that the purpose of the webinar was to discuss and share ideas on Cloud and the importance of Data Protection. He further said, “Data protection is another key subject that is crucial in our times as countries and enterprises are in the race to pursue digital transformation initiatives in order to remain relevant and resilient into the future, while respecting the laws of the countries where they operate especially laws relating to protection of personal data”.  

Mr Sivako explained that Covid-19 has escalated the rise in the usage of the internet, as more social and economic activities take place online and as a result the importance of privacy and data protection is increasingly recognized. He added that  “of equal concern is the collection, use and sharing of personal information to third parties without notice or consent of consumers”. He however stated that the  enactment of the Data Protection Act and implementation of the cybersecurity strategy will go a long way in ensuring that as a country and enterprises operating within Botswana, have confidence that their businesses and customer data is safe and secure from exploitation for gain or abuse by third parties through unauthorized access. 

BTC Chief Operations Officer stated that BTC has invested in cloud solutions to facilitate its customers who have sensitive data that needs to be kept within the country. He explained that the BTC cloud infrastructure is elastic from storage and processing capacity, and it is currently used by several clients both in the private and public sector. “The Sentlhaga Data Centre has secure cloud services environment where sensitive data is kept and protected” he said. Through this facility, customers can safely enjoy the internet and have access to their data knowing that their data is safe within the country and is hosted in a facility that has robust security. He added that testament to this statement, Fortinet, a leading global security solutions provider, recently recognized BTC for its sterling performance in offering security solutions adding that “ BTC received three (3) prestigious awards at the Africa Virtual Security Day: In the Three Categories- 1). Best Growth of the Year 2020, 2). Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) Partner of the Year 2020, and 3). Most Certified Partner of the Year 2020 in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region”. 

Giving a presentation on The Impact of Data Protection Act on Cloud Services, BTC Legal Services Manager, Ms. Olivia Seneo Lamance stated that “with the introduction of the Data Protection Act, big organizations and small businesses alike need to ensure that their systems are compliant with the Data Protection Legislation, adding that processing and storage of personal information needs to comply with requirements of the Act”.  She added that according to the Data Protection Act, companies need to obtain consent to store or process personal information outside of Botswana. This consent needs to be given at the time the data is gathered. This means that the data controller needs to know where the data is always stored  in order to obtain the right type of consent when gathering data. 

The BTC Sentlhaga Data Centre Manager, Mr Mompoloki Gaotlolwe presented on “Digital products by BTC in the Data Protection Era”. He implored businesses to take up BTC Cloud Business Solutions as BTC has a tier II Certified Data Centre that offers in-country data storage, reliable direct connectivity and has skilled resources. He says by so doing, the customer will be handing over responsibility to BTC to provide a secure cloud environment. However, he cautioned that the responsibility will be shared between BTC and the customer, where BTC will provide security of the cloud covering software and hardware (BTC Global infrastructure) while the customer will be responsible for security in the cloud, that is, they will be responsible for customer data, who they give access to into their network, operating system, firewall configurations etc. 

BTC software partners, Microsoft also shared a presentation on “How Microsoft supports compliance with Botswana Data Protection Regulations”. Microsoft’s Lead Attorney, Emerging Markets Ms. Otilia Phiri stated that Microsoft specifically undertakes and agrees with its customers to only process personal information under authority of its customer. Microsoft also contractually commits not to disclose personal information unless legally compelled to do so. She stated that Microsoft has a compliance Manager dashboard that is in-built into Microsoft 365 that checks compliance against regulations and gives a compliance score. Using the Data Protection Act of Botswana, they demonstrated how the compliance manager is set up to end up with an overall compliance score for adherence to the regulation. 

As part of the Cloud Talk webinar, BTC will be offering customers a 60 days free access to BTC Cloud services.  For the 60 days free access customers are encouraged to contact to experience the cloud services. 



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Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) invites applications from reputable Merchants
and Mobile Application Developers registered in Botswana to register to integrate their Online
Retail Stores through the BTC Smega Mobile Money Open APIs (Application Programming
Interface). This will allow BTC Smega to be used as a digital payment option on the Merchants’
Online Store.
Interested parties may access the APIs through the link below and follow the easy steps.
BTC Smega Open API link:
BTC will use its sole discretion and absolute discretion to enter into partnership with preferred
and qualifying Merchants, which decision shall be final and conclusive. BTC further reserves the
right to reject a Merchant’s application without any explanation to the Merchant.
Submission of full due diligence requirements as follows:
• Comprehensive Nature of Partnership
• Address: Physical & Postal
• Telephone, Fax No, Mobile No & Email
• Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
• Certified Copy of Form 2 (Company’s Register of Directors, Shareholders & the
• Board Resolution
• Partnership/Contract Period
Closing Date for submission: Thursday 31 March 2022.
Terms & Conditions Apply


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BTC to unlock the value of 5G at Summit

Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) will host the 1st ever Enterprise summit themed Digital Shift BW from 8 – 9 July in Gaborone. Attendance of the summit is free of charge and is targeted at all businesses and people interested in ICT and digital transformation. It brings together local and international leaders, visionaries, digital innovators, and changemakers who are at the forefront of digital transformation. ‘Some of the topics to be discussed are FinTech and Blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things use cases and  the 5th Generation mobile communications, commonly referred to as 5G’, said BTC Chief Operations Officer Mr. Aldrin Sivako.

Mr. Sivako explained that ‘5G is the new global wireless standard that follows after 1G, 2G, 3G & 4G mobile communications technology networks that enables a new kind of ultra-fast and low latency connectivity that is designed to virtually connect everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices”. He continued to explain that ‘when 5G arrives in Botswana, it is likely to set off a revolution on the strength of an enhanced extra low latency digital backbone that the new technology provides’ adding that ‘the current peak data rate of 4G LTE mobile technology at 125 Megabits per second (Mbps), whereas with 5G it is 2500 Mbps and above, a quantum leap by a multiple of 20 times”.

To unpack the above buzz words and give them a perspective, Mr. Sivako narrated that ‘ on 4G network, an average movie takes 6 minutes to download whereas on 5G,  the same movie will take under 20 seconds to download. 5G can support ten times more devices per square kilometer”. 5G’s true potential extends way beyond smartphones and mobile devices as there are enhanced use cases for autonomous vehicles, smart cities & automated factories, remote patient monitoring and diagnostics, augmented reality and virtual reality, mission critical applications and many more industries. All these have become topical and more relevant use cases and applications due to the systemic impact imposed on world economies by Covid-19 pandemic.

Shift 5G will be discussed at the Digital Shift BW summit, which is held as part of the ongoing BTC@40 Celebrations. This is an international event meant to demonstrate BTC’s capabilities and readiness in the era of the 4IR as we RESET and REALIGN to increase Botswana’s competitiveness in global markets.

As a converged telecommunications operator, BTC stands ready to offer this technology as it is already playing a critical role in the national Information Communication Technology (ICT) transformation agenda and is a crucial partner in the process of advancing Botswana from a resource-reliant economy to a diversified knowledge-based economy. ‘Over the past few years, BTC has made significant investments in its technology infrastructure in the quest to enable future digital capabilities. These investments enable us to position ourselves for the next phase of growth by differentiation through reliability, speed and coverage, laying a foundation for the 4th Industrial Revolution’ concluded Mr. Sivako.

BTC currently offers 4.5G mobile network, a step towards 5G and has over 400 LTE sites countrywide, making it more accessible in all parts of Botswana. The company has just completed its three (3) year strategy of Growth and Transformation, whose overarching strategic aim was to create shareholder value through the delivery of innovative solutions, increasing mobile and broadband market share; and fixing the basics to deliver a superior customer experience, by going beyond connectivity. This aim resonates with BTC’s Purpose, which is “To provide superior communications solutions to Batswana anywhere and everywhere to enable them to live connected”.

To attend Digital Shift BW simply visit the summit website  to register and receive more information and regular updates on the Summit. The Summit will allow participants to engage with one another and directly with BTC and partner engineers and thought leaders to leverage technology and understand future trends fully.  Attendance is free of charge.


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